Three Goals

1. Better Communication = Better Service

Problem: Citizens struggle to get clear answers from City Hall. Emails go unanswered, and processes feel confusing.


  • Implement shared inboxes for each department so no request gets lost.

  • Train staff to view residents as customers—because you are the customer and the employer.

  • Provide easy-to-read updates on city projects, budgets, and decisions.

Execution: I’ll push for better tools, response tracking, and a customer-first approach. A city that communicates well serves its people better.

2. Spend Smarter, Not More

Problem: We lack transparency in spending, and taxpayers feel overburdened.


  • Move to a service-level budget—showing the cost of specific services, not just lump sums.

  • Use visual breakdowns of how tax dollars are spent.

  • Benchmark spending against other cities to ensure we get the best value.

Execution: I’ll work with city officials to prioritize efficiency over tax increases and ensure that every department manages its budget wisely.

3. Make City Hall Easier to Work With by Cutting Red Tape

Problem: Starting a business, hosting an event, or getting a permit is frustrating and confusing. No one should be alarmed or confused when they receive communication from code enforcement.


  • Reduce a bloated local government by removing one outdated regulation for every new regulation.

  • Establish a citizen oversight committee to review outdated ordinances.

  • This citizen committee will receive all reviews and comments concerning staff, departments, and regulations via the city’s website.

  • Review and compare our communication processes of code enforcement.

Execution: I’ll work with commissioners and staff to simplify processes, eliminate unnecessary roadblocks, and make the city more business and resident friendly.

Final Thought:

Improving communication, improving efficiency, and reducing red tape will make economic growth, safety, and infrastructure easier to achieve. A well-run city will be my focus so our citizens will share in our success.